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What skills does the Voice Assistant have?

8 min read

The following tables contain Voice Assistant prompts on a variety of topics.

Public Transportation #

List Bus Lines List Stops 
Bus List stops 
Available Bus Line Display stops 
Bus Line Closest stops 
Next Bus Closest stops to me 
Available Buses Stops around me 
List of Buses Stops Nearby 
List the bus lines Nearby stops 
Bus line in this stop Stop list 
List the timetables for this stop Take me to the nearest public transport option 
 Nearby Transport 
 Open transport 
 Tell me nearby stops 
 Take me to a bus stop 
 Take me to a bus stop 
 Nearest stops 
 I want to use a bus 
 Show me public transport details 
 Tell me bus stops 
 Tell me the stops that are around me 
 Show me nearby stops 
 Where is the closest public transport stop 
 Where is the closet bus stop 
Nearby Bus Stops

Navigation #

Save Location Say Current Address  
Save location Where I am 
Save the location Where am I  
Save address Current location 
Save my current address Current address 
Save my location The location 
Save current location The address 
Save current address Current location 
Save the address Current address 
Save my address My location 
Save my current location My address 
Keep my current address My current location 
Save my location’s address My current address 
Keep location My location’s address 
Bookmark address Address of my location  
Bookmark current location My current Address   
Bookmark current address My current location   
Bookmark my location My Address    
Bookmark my address My location    
Bookmark my current location Current Address    
Bookmark my current address Current location    
Bookmark my location’s address Location     
Save location as X Where am I?   
Save address as X Where am I now? 
Save current location as X Where is my current location? 
Save current address as X What is my postal code? 
Save my location as X Which street am I on? 
Save my address as X Which neighborhood am I in? 
Save my current location as X Which city am I in? 
Save my current address as X Where am I right now? 
Save my location’s address as X Describe my Address   
Bookmark location as X Tell me my Address 
Bookmark address as X  
Bookmark current location as X  
Bookmark current address as X  
Bookmark my loaction as X  
Bookmark my address as X  
Bookmark my current location as X  
Bookmark my current address as X  
Bookmark my location’s address as X  
Mark my address as X  
Mark my transaction as X  
Mark the current address as X  
Bookmark the address as X  
Mark the current location as X  
Bookmark the location as X  
Save the address of my location as X  
Keep my current address as X  
Keep my current location as X  
Keep my address as X  
Keep my location as X  
Save the current address as X  
Save the current location as X  
Keep location as X  
Bookmark the address of my location  
Store my current address  
Record my current location  
Store my address  
Bookmark my transaction  
Bookmark the current address  
Bookmark the current location  
Bookmark location  
Keep address  
Keep my location  
Save the address of my location  
Record my current address  
Record the current location  
Record the address  
Save the current address  
Save the current location  
Keep the location  

Explore #

Say Nearby  
Around me 
Nearby art 
Nearest art 
Close art 
Closest art 
Art around me 
Nearby entertainment venues 
Nearest entertainment venues 
Close entertainment venues 
Closest entertainment venues 
Entertainment venues around me 
Nearby art and entertainment 
Nearest art and entertainment 
Close art and entertainment 
Closest art and entertainment 
Art and entertainment around me 
Nearby food 
Nearest food 
Close food 
Closest food 
food around me 
Nearby Cafe 
Nearest Cafe 
Close cafe 
Closest Cafes 
Cafes Around me 
Nearby restaurant 
Nearest restaurant 
Close restaurant 
Closest restaurants 
restaurants Around me 
Nearby Cafe and restaurant 
Nearest Cafe and restaurant 
Close Cafe and restaurant 
Closest Cafe and restaurants 
Cafe and restaurant Around me 
Nearby food and cafe 
Nearest food and cafe 
Close food and cafe 
Closest food and cafes 
Food and cafes Around me 
Nearby professional 
Nearest professional 
Close professional 
Closest professional 
Professionals around me 
Nearby shop 
Nearest shop 
Close shop 
Closest shops 
Shops around me 
Nearby services 
Nearest services 
Close services 
Closest services 
Services around me 
Nearby shop and services 
Nearest shop and services 
Close shop and services 
Closest shop and services 
Shops and services around me 
Nearby Colleges 
Nearest Colleges 
Close Colleges 
Closest Colleges 
Colleges Around me 
Nearby university 
Nearest university 
Close university 
Closest universities 
universities Around me 
Nearby colleges and universities 
Nearest colleges and universities 
Nearby pub 
Nearest pub 
Close pub 
Closest pubs 
pubs Around me 
Nearby club 
Nearest club 
Close club 
Closest clubs 
clubs Around me 
Nearby bars 
Nearest bar 
Close bars 
Closest bars 
bars Around me 
Nearby pubs and clubs 
Nearest pubs and clubs 
Close pubs and clubs 
Closest pub and clubs 
pubs and clubs Around me 
Tell me the nearest university 
Tell me the nearest bar 
Tell me the nearest school 
Tell me the nearest hospital 
Tell me the nearest cafe 
Tell me the nearby cafe 
Is there any restaurant around me? 
Close places 
Where is the nearest shop 
Find a cafe for me, please 
Where can I go to eat? 
What are restaurants close to me? 
Nearby locations 
I want to discover places nearby 
Which places are here? 
Tell me nearby places 
What’s around me? 
What is around me? 
Nearby colleges and universities 
Nearby University 
Nearby universities 
Nearby university 
Nearest colleges 
Nearby colleges 
Nearby colleges 
Shops and services around me 
Nearby stores and services 
Nearby shop 
Nearby store 
Close the shop 
Nearby store 
Nearest food and cafes 
Nearby food and cafes 
Nearest food and café 
Nearby food and café 
Nearest café and restaurant 
Restaurants around me 
Nearby restaurant 
Coffee shops around me 
Nearby café 
Nearby café 
Food around me 
Nearest food 
Nearby food 
Nearby foods 
Art and entertainment around me 
Nearest art and entertainment 
Nearby art and entertainment 
Nearby art and entertainment 
Entertainment venues around me 
Nearest entertainment venues 
Nearby entertainment venues 
Nearby entertainment venues 
Art around me 
Nearest art 
Nearby art 
Nearby art 
Where is the nearest bakery? 
Where is the nearest hospital? 
Parking space around me 
Where is the nearest concert venue? 
Where is the nearest theater? 
Places to eat 
Nearby food places 
Nearby universities 
Nearby schools 
Where is the nearest college around me? 
Where is the nearest university around me? 
Where is the nearest shopping mall? 
Find me a café 
List places where I can shop 
Where can I eat nearby? 
Where can I eat around me? 
Which café is nearby? 
What’s around the area? 
Look at locations 
What’s around me, what’s not? 
Count the places around me 
What’s around me? 

ChatGPT #

Go to chatGPT 
Ask to chatGPT 
Go to AI 
Ask to AI 
Go to artifical intelligence 
Ask to artifical intelligence 
Open Chat GPT 
Open AI 
Open Artificial Intelligence